CSS Periodical Database ©
The CSS Periodical Database covers these publications:
Asian Philately, Whole Nos. 1-172 (1977 to 1991), complete
Cheng's Stamp Journal, Vols. 1-4, Whole Nos. 1-13 (1976 to 1979), complete
The China Clipper (published by the CSS) through Vol. 85, No. 6 (1936-Sep. 2021)
Chiu's Supplement, Vols. 1-12 (1952 to 1964), complete
The Flying Goose (published by the CSS), Nos. 1-25 (1948 to 1951), complete
Journal of Chinese Philately (includes China Section Bulletin), published by the China Philatelic Society of London, Vols. 1-62 (1944-Autumn 2016)
To search the China Section Bulletin use Journal of Chinese Philately as the Publication Name.
Postal Service Today, No. 421 (Jan. 1993) to No. 528 (Dec. 2001), English edition complete
Stamps World, No. 23 (May 1983) to No. 150 (Sep. 2005), English articles only
You can limit your search to one publication or search all the publications. One way to begin a search is to select one of the 14 article topics. Each of the 14 topics has from 9 to 19 sub-topics to help refine your search. You can limit your search to articles by a particular author. New issues and stamp listings are by date of issue or by year if the date of issue is unknown. You can also look for a particular title. In some cases you may need to add some more descriptive words to the title to facilitate searching. Scott catalogue numbers are used in American publications; while Stanley Gibbons numbers are used in British publication.
The CSS Periodical Database is the property of The China Stamp Society, Inc. © 2023
Abbreviations Used: CKS for Chiang Kai-Shel; Mao for Mao Tse-Tung; and SYS for Sun Yat-Sen.
Note: During the wartime years a mistake was made in numbering the issues (Whole Numbers) of The China Clipper. The Periodical Database starts numbering forward with issue number one and so the count is off for several years. These Whole Numbers include an "A" to indicate this inconsistency. This only applied to a few years. To be safe, when looking up a specific issue, use the Volume and Number within that Volume, and not the Whole Number.