The Shanghai Philatelic Society and Shanghai Shengxiao Philatelic Society members visiting the Chia Nan Chapter in Los Angeles. In the second row are, from left to right, Ms. Qi Ding, Miss Khloe Zhang (CSS member Zhang Lanqing’s grand-daughter), Ms. Wu Yuzhen (CSS member Zhang Lanqing’s wife, who is also a member of Royal Philatelic Society of London), Miss Huang Weiyi, Ms. Xu Peihua, Ms. Kong Yueying, and Ms. Zhou Xiaoxia. Those in the third row, from left to right, are CSS member Zhang Lanqing, Zhong Weirong, Wang Zhiping (General Secretary of the Shanghai Shengxiao Philatelic Association) and Mr. Xu Dongru. The CSS members in the first row are, from left to right, Kam Choy, Hugh Lawrence, Benjamin Berry, Wallace Craig, Thomas Massa, Jay Shoemaker, Howard Wolk, and Herbert Yen. Those in the third row, the first, second, fourth, and sixth persons, are Zhang Lanqing, Elliott Burfitt, John Noble and Richard Kavin.
Chapters provide a forum for learning, sharing and enjoying your stamps. There is great benefit to be had from access to the combined knowledge of a Chapter where you can discuss Chinese philately.
The Board of Directors is authorized to receive applications from five or more members residing in a common area to form a Chapter of the Society. Upon approval by the Board each Chapter is authorized to organize and to carry on such activities as are compatible with the objectives of this Society.
Although each Chapter follows certain standards, such as sending out announcements of meetings and holding elections of officers every two years, there is no "one way" to develop a Chapter. Each group finds its own method for success. Usually there is a short presentation or topic for discussion, sharing of curiosities found since the last meeting, "show-and-tell" of favorite or important items from members collections and sometimes an auction or stamp swap. Meeting places vary and include local library meeting rooms, members' homes, and restaurants.
- California - Los Angeles (Chia Nan Chapter)
- California - San Jose (Jiu Jin Shan Chapter)
- Washington - Seattle (Chang Qing Long Chapter)

Wang Wei Guo a member of Shanghai Philatelic Association visiting the U.S., Lan Qing Zhang, Rick Kavin, Howard Wolk, Mr. Yu and his son, James Tung, Wallace Craig, Hugh Lawrence, Tom Massa, and Ron Feiner at a Chia Nan Chapter meeting in Los Angeles.
Members of our The Republic of China chapter. For information contact Ho Huei-Chin, 91 Syh-Chuan Road Section 1, Pankiao 22063, Taiwan, ROC.
Members of the People's Republic of China chapter . For information contact David Lu. P. O. Box 0362, Qingdao, Shandong 266011, Peoples' Republic of China.
Our The Regional Representatives are: Peter Leitch for Australia, Dr. Yasoichi Nakajima for Japan, and Paul N. Davey for the UK.
The responsibilities of a Regional Representative include (1) establishing a presence at various stamp shows in the region by passing out bookmarks and having information and applications available for prospective members, (2) passing on to the Editor of The China Clipper interesting information, including the exhibiting results of our members when they are exhibiting China in the area, (3) passing on to the President anything he might need to know to improve the presence of the Society in foreign countries, and (4) helping coordinate when our members are attending or exhibiting in foreign countries.