Back Cover - six issue contract |
$350 |
Full Page 10" x 7½" - six issue contract |
$250 |
Full Page 10" x 7½" - single issue |
$350 |
Only members may advertise in the China Clipper. Payment is due in advance, unless an account has been established. Payment is by U.S. a U.S bank check to “China Stamp Society,” sent to the Editor, or a wire transfer to the CSS bank account. Advertising copy must be a high resolution (at least 300 dpi) PDF in the sizes specified above. Advertising copy must be to the Editor thirty-five (35) days prior to the issue. The China Clipper is published each January, March, May, July, September, and November. In other word; copy must be received by the 25th of March, May, July, September, November and January.
Email the Editor, with any questions.