Back Cover - six issue contract



Full Page 10" x 7½" - six issue contract



Full Page 10" x 7½" - single issue



Only members may advertise in the China Clipper.  Payment is due in advance, unless an account has been      established.  Payment is by U.S. a U.S bank check to “China Stamp Society,” sent to the Editor, or a wire transfer to the CSS bank account.  Advertising copy must be a high resolution (at least 300 dpi) PDF in the sizes specified above. Advertising copy must be to the Editor thirty-five (35) days prior to the issue. The China Clipper is published each January, March, May, July, September, and November.  In other word; copy must be received by the 25th of  March, May, July, September, November and January.


Email the Editor, with any questions.

The publication of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement by the Society of the material or service offered, or of the member advertising.  The Society shall not be responsible for transactions resulting from advertisements.